Thursday, July 30, 2020

The purpose of a Research Proposal

The purpose of a Research ProposalThe purpose of a research proposal is to persuade your potential sponsors to sponsor you and offer you a work. When you are able to present your research in such a way that you will convince them to come and sponsor you, then you have a good chance of getting it sponsored. In this article I will discuss how you can structure a research proposal that will get you sponsored by your prospective sponsor company.A research proposal is usually divided into three parts: Introduction, Methodology and Results. It is important to start by defining your project. If you're only starting out and you don't know how much you're going to spend, you should find out before you write the proposal. Tell your prospective sponsor exactly what you are going to do and why you are doing it. This is known as the scope of the project.Now that you know what you are going to do, it is time to state your particular hypothesis in the first paragraph. In your proposed research, thi s hypothesis will act as the foundation for your research. It is the foundation that all the rest of your research will be built on.In your research proposal, you need to cover the research methodology. A good method is by writing down a list of questions you would like answered by your prospective sponsor and put them in an outline form. For example, if you wanted to know if there is a link between diet soda and breast cancer, you could ask yourself these questions:As you can see, the results that you want to come from your research must be specified in order to help you answer specific questions. You also need to address the source of your funding. How did you get the funding? You could use a combination of grants or loans or you could even use a combination of different sources for this purpose.Describe the benefits of your sponsor. What do they offer in terms of added benefits? Provide these benefits in a sentence or two. This will help the sponsor to decide whether they would b e interested in sponsoring you or not.The last part of your research proposal should go into the how and why of your project. What is your goal? The best way to achieve this goal is to include a paragraph in the Abstract section explaining the goal of your project.By writing the purpose of a research proposal, you have now outlined exactly what you are going to do and why you are doing it. You should now have a good idea of the cost of your project and how your sponsor would be willing to pay for it.

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